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In the event of an emergency, it may take time for emergency workers to get to you. You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours.
Learn how to be prepared for an emergency by reviewing the information below.
Know the Risks |
Knowing the risks in our community can help you prepare. Potential risks include:
Make a Plan |
An emergency plan will help you and your family know what to do in case of an emergency. It only takes 20 minutes to complete a personalized plan online. You can then print it out. Most of this information can be filled out on your own. You may need to get some information from the municipality. To fill out your home emergency plan, you will need to think about:
Keep this document in an easy to find, easy to remember place (for example, with your emergency kit). Photocopy this plan and keep it in your car and/or at your work. |
Prepare an Emergency Kit |
Everyone should be prepared to take care of themselves and their families for up to 72 hours in the event of an emergency or disaster. Ensure you are ready by preparing an emergency kit.
Stay Informed |
It is important to stay informed during an emergency. There are many ways to receive emergency information including:
Be sure to share any emergency information you receive with your friends, neighbours, and family. |
Power Outages |
Hydro One also has a number of innovative outage tools available for customers to report power outages and easily access updates when and how they want including outage text alerts. When an outage occurs, customers can report it by texting 92887 (WATTS), or by using the company's outage map and app, or calling 1-800-434-1235. |
Asphodel-Norwood Emergency Awareness Guide |
Is your family prepared for an emergency event? The Township of Asphodel-Norwood Emergency Awareness Guide can help provide you with the information you need to make a plan and be better prepared. Be sure to check the expiry date of the contents in your Emergency Survival Kit twice a year. In an emergency, your family may not be together, or you may be asked to evacuate your home. Thinking about what you would do in different situations and preparing a plan with every member of your family is the first step to being prepared. |
Resources |